Don’t gamble with your accounting.

Thinking that your current accountants are doing things right is a huge gamble to make on your cannabusiness. This is a cutting edge industry and the reality is as it’s only a matter of time before the IRS will take a peek into your accounting practices. So please be warned that it’s only a matter of time before the state or federal agencies inquire and penalize you for your negligence. Penalties can and do often include major fines, license suspension and revocation and even jail time.

Purple Rose CFO

We have the tools, systems, and processes in place to do cannabis accounting correctly, and this is NOT an area of your company that you want to ignore. Proprietary Chart of Accounts, Month End System, Perpetual Data Room, Cost Accounting procedures/work papers, and cash forecasting methodology are just a few of the tools that make sure you are an audit, lender, investor, and exit ready AT ANY TIME - ALL THE TIME!